Propp news reel is your one-stop-shop for property news in the UK.
Homelet’s annual rental index has arrived – what picture does it paint of the UK’s rental landscape for the year up until May 2021? Rental yields rose 6.4% year-on-year across the UK (excluding Greater London), jumping to £854 while annual growth continues to drag in the city. Which regions saw the highest levels of growth? […]
Read ArticleAfter a brief teasing of sunshine we’ve enjoyed a wet and cold few weeks which can only mean one thing…summer’s on the way! As the months fly by make sure you don’t miss these deadlines 👇 📅 30th June – Stamp Duty Holiday Changes Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s initiative to boost the property market by suspending […]
Read ArticleLenders are making changes to their residential and buy-to-let lending policy for foreign nationals following the introduction of the EU Settlement Scheme. Who is affected? Customers who are EU (excluding Republic of Ireland), EEA and Swiss citizens. What will you need to do? If you fall into one of the groups mentioned above you will […]
Read ArticleNew legislation coming into effect on 1st April 2021 will force Landlord’s to have electrical safety inspections carried out by a qualified electrician at least every five years.
Read ArticleLess than six months since going live with 40 lenders upon launch in November, – the UK’s first specialist mortgage comparison site is showing no signs of slowing down, having already added 13 lenders to its fintech platform. The most recent of which – Allica Bank. Propp specialises in bridging finance and commercial mortgages […]
Read ArticleAs light draws at the end of the lockdown tunnel, we’ve had plenty of time to reflect on what our lives will look like in a post-pandemic world. You may have been wondering ‘is now the time to invest in property?’ Let’s look at why you might want to and how to make it happen
Read ArticleBuying an investment property at auction can be a great way to snap up an investment below market value, but make sure you’ve done your research before you raise your hand… or click you mouse!
Read ArticleExploring the benefits and considerations of HMO’s and whether they are a good way to diversify your property portfolio
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The Propp news reel is your one-stop-shop for property news in the UK. Covering areas of specialist lending such as bridging finance, commercial mortgages and development finance.
Whether you’re a seasoned investor, novice landlord or avid auction buyer you’re in the right place to stay on top of all you need to know about property.
We’ll be updating this section with the UK’s latest landlord news, tips for managing tenants and maintaining a profitable portfolio whether you’re a first-time landlord or have a portfolio of HMOs.
Buy-to-let investors and landlords can check in for regulatory updates and information on investment opportunities up and down the country.
Keeping up to date with buy to let latest news is key to success as a landlord.
Tenants and landlords alike can check in for lettings news to compare rental price trends up and down the country.
You’ll be kept up to date on the latest and greatest across the world of bridging finance, from stand out products to lenders that are making a splash.
Short term finance is a useful tool in any investors toolkit, be it to support purchases at auction or to fund the purchase and renovation of unmortgageable properties to make them marketable. The industry can be a whirlwind so stay up to date with the best rates on the market by tuning into our bridging loan news reel.
Check in here for regulatory updates and keep track of changes to permitted development rights in the UK.
A team of property experts will bring the latest property news, market reports and an industry overview as and when the news breaks.
We hope to be reporting soon the return of lenders to the commercial playground after a mass slowdown since early 2020 caused lending to drop off a cliff.
Follow here to be the first to hear as lenders and banks begin to increase their appetite for owner-occupied loans and lending in areas such as hospitality.
* bespoke quotes supplied the next working day following provision of all required lender information being supplied and validation by Propp case manager
† saving based on annualised interest rate saving where deal optimiser service negotiated a lower rate than lender’s published rate, based on current average saving of 0.9% and average loan £1051785. Time saving based on automated versus manual bespoke rate requests.